谢明刚 (副教授)

1. Xie, M., Z. Xiao, L. Xu, W. Fa, and A. Xu (2021), Change in the Earth–Moon impactor population at about 3.5 billion years ago, Nature Astronomy, 5(2), 128-133. (SCI, 一区top)
2. Xie, M., and Z. Xiao (2023), A new chronology from debiased crater densities: Implications for the origin and evolution of lunar impactors, Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 602, 117963. (SCI, 一区top)
3. Xie, M., Z. Xiao, X. Zhang, and A. Xu (2020), The Provenance of Regolith at the Chang’e-5 Candidate Landing Region, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125(5), e2019JE006112. (SCI, 二区)
4. Xie, M., T. Liu, and A. Xu (2020), Ballistic sedimentation of impact crater ejecta: Implication for resurfacing and provenance of lunar samples, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125(5), e2019JE006113. (SCI, 二区)
5. Xie, M., Z. Xiao, and A. Xu (2019), Time-Dependent Production Functions of Lunar Simple Craters on Layered Targets With Consideration of Topographic Degradation, Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 10987–10996.(SCI, 一区top)
6. Xie, M., M.-H. Zhu, Z. Xiao, Y. Wu, and A. Xu (2017), Effect of Topography Degradation on Crater Size-Frequency Distributions: Implications for Populations of Small Craters and Age Dating, Geophysical Research Letters, 44(20), 10,171-110,179. (SCI, 一区top)
7. Xie, M., and M.-H. Zhu (2016), Estimates of primary ejecta and local material for the Orientale basin: Implications for the formation and ballistic sedimentation of multi-ring basins, Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 440, 71–80. (SCI, 一区top)