
唐莹 (教授)



唐莹,女,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为电子信息功能材料。2021年获得北京科技大学博士学位,先后主持国家和省部级项目9项,其中主持国家自然科学基金2项,广西自然科学基金3项,区级研究生教改项目1项。近年来,在Journal of the European Ceramic SocietyCeramics InternationalJournal of Alloys and CompoundsJ Mater Sci: Mater ElectronJournal of the American Ceramic SocietyMaterials Letters等国际主流期刊发表相关研究论文30余篇,其中以第一作者及通讯作者在SCI一区发表20余篇论文。工作以来已获得授权中国发明专利20余项。







5)广西自然科学基金青年项目:含 Li Ge 基尖晶石微波介质陶瓷的烧结特性与性能调控,广西自然科学基金-青年基金(2016-2019),主持


7)横向项目:微波介质陶瓷,75.92 万元,主持

8)横向项目:超低介电常数微波介质陶瓷 InAlMg7O12及其制备方法,主持


1. Lian Duan, Jiangyu Zhang, Jie Li, Huaicheng Xiang, Ying Tang*, Xianrong Luo, Liang Fang. Effects of ionic polarizability and crystal structure on microwave dielectric properties of RE2O3 (RE = La, Eu) ceramics with opposite τf and high Q. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2023, 43(9): 4066-4072. SCI一区收录

2. Ning Zhang, Ying Tang*, Huaicheng Xiang, Liang Fang. Chemical bond characteristics, Raman spectra, and microwave dielectric properties of garnet ceramics Ca3B2ZnGa2O12 (B = Nb, Sb). Ceramics International, 2023, 49(13): 22273-22280. SCI一区收录

3. Zhiyuan Zhang, Jinwu Chen, Ying Tang*, Huaicheng Xiang, Jie Li, Liang Fang*, Junqi Chen. Crystal structure, far-infrared spectroscopy, and microwave dielectric properties of two novel vanadates CaRECeV3O12 (RE = Nd, Sm). Ceramics International, 2023, 49(14): 23173-23179. SCI一区收录

4. Haotian Xie, Ying Tang*, Yang Yang, Ning Zhang, Xiaolong Gu, Huaicheng Xiang*. Effect of lattice-induced strain on microwave dielectric polarization and properties: A case study of Ga-based garnet. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 967: 171742.

5. Mu Li, Ying Tang*, Huaicheng Xiang, JieLi, Di Zhou, Liang Fang. Combined effect of rattling and compression on the microwave dielectric properties of B-site 1:3 ordered Li6A7Ti11O32 (A =Zn, Mg) spinels. Ceramics International, 2023, 49(6): 8754-8761. SCI一区收录

6. Yang Yang, Yifan Zhai, Huaicheng Xiang, Jie Li, Ying Tang*, Liang Fang*Rattling Effects on Microwave Dielectric Properties of Ca3TiBGe3O12 (B = Mg, Zn) Garnets, Journal of the European Ceramic, 2022, 42(11): 4566-4572. SCI一区收录

7. Ying Tang, Shiyao Shen, Jie Li*, Xiangguang Zhao, Huaicheng Xiang, Heping Su*, Di Zhou, Liang Fang, Characterization of Structure and Chemical Bond in High-Q Microwave Dielectric Ceramics LiM2GaTi2O8 (M = Mg, Zn), Journal of the European Ceramic, 2022, 42(11): 4573-4579. SCI一区收录

8. Ying Tang, Huan Li, Jie Li*, Huaicheng Xiang*, Liang Fang, Microwave Dielectric Properties of Li3A3Te2O12 (A = Y, Yb) Garnets for Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic Technologies, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2022,42(5): 2248-2253. SCI一区收录

9. Jinyan Ma, Junqi Chen, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, Yimin Dai, Liang Fang, Chemical Bond and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Two Novel Low-εr AGa4O7 (A = Ca, Sr) Ceramics, 2022, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2022, 42(2): 478-484. SCI一区收录

10. Ying Tang, Huan Li, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, Yang Yang, Zhiyuan Zhang, Liang Fang* Relationship between Rattling Mg2+ ions and Anomalous Microwave Dielectric Behavior in Ca3-xMg1+xLiV3O12 Ceramics with Garnet Structure, Journal of the European Ceramic, 2021,41(15): 7697-7702. SCI一区收录

11. Weishuang Fang, Ying Tang*, Junqi Chen, Jie Li, Liang Fang, Relationship Between the Structure and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Garnet Ceramics Ca3B2GeV2O12 (B = Mg, Mn), Ceramics International, 2021, 48(3): 4318-4323. SCI一区收录

12. Junqi Chen, Weishuang Fang, Laiyuan Ao, Ying Tang*, Jie Li, Laijun Liu, Liang Fang*, Structure and chemical bond characteristics of two low-εr microwave dielectric ceramics LiBO2 (B = Ga, In) with opposite τf, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021,41(6): 3452-3458. SCI一区收录

13. Zijian Yang, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, Jinyan Ma, Aihong Yang, Laijun Liu, Liang Fang*, Crystal structure, Raman spectra and microwave dielectric properties of novel low-temperature cofired ceramic Li4GeO4, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 867 (2021) 159059. SCI一区收录

14. Feihu Li, Ying Tang*, Jie Li, Weishuang Fang, Laiyuan Ao, Yu Wang, Xiangguang Zhao, Liang Fang, Effect of A-site cation on crystal structure and microwave dielectric properties of AGe4O9 (A = Ba, Sr) ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2021.01.055. SCI一区收录

15. Yu Wang, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, Shiyao Shen, Feihu Li, Lian Duan, Ming Qin, Liang Fang*, Microwave Dielectric properties of silico-carnotite Ca3M2Si3O12 (M = Yb, Y) ceramics synthesized via high energy ball milling, Ceramics International, 2021, 47: 4831-4837. SCI一区收录

16. Aihong Yang, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, Qianbiao Du, Zhiwei Zhang, Junqi Chen, Zijian Yang, Liang Fang*, Structure and infrared reflectivity spectra of novel Mg3Ga2GeO8 microwave dielectric ceramic with high Q, Ceramics International, 2021, 47: 2450-2455. SCI一区收录

17. Yifan Zhai, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Lian Duan, Congxue Su, Alin Cao, Changyi Jin, Liang Fang*, Structure, Raman spectra and properties of two low-er microwave dielectric ceramics Ca3B2Ge3O12 (B = Al, Ga), Ceramics International, 2020, 46: 28710-28715. SCI一区收录

18. Mingyang Yu , Ying Tang, Jie Li, Weishuang Fang , Lian Duan , Liang Fang, Microwave dielectric properties and chemical compatibility with alumina electrode of two novel ultra-low temperature firing ATeMoO6 (A = Mg, Zn) ceramics. Ceramics International, 2020, 46: 25619-25625. SCI一区收录

19. Laiyuan Ao, Ying Tang*, Jie Li*, Weishuang Fang, Lian Duan, Congxue Su, Yihua Sun, Laijun Liu, Liang Fang, Structure characterization and microwave dielectric properties of LiGa5O8 ceramic with low-εr and low loss, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40: 5498-5503. SCI一区收录

20. Ying Tang, Zhiwei ZhangJie Li*, Mingyu Xu, Yifan Zhai, Lian DuanCongxue Su, Laijun Liu, Yihua Sun, Liang Fang*, A3Y2Ge3O12 (A = Ca, Mg): Two novel microwave dielectric ceramics with contrasting τf and Q×fJournal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40: 3989-3995. SCI一区收录

21. Kai Xiao, Chunchun Li, Ying Tang*, Yunfei Tian, Changzhi Yin, Junqi Chen, Jie Li, Lian Duan, Huaicheng Xiang, Liang Fang*, (1-x)Li4WO5-xLiF: A novel oxyfluoride system and their microwave dielectric properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 835, 155320. SCI一区收录

22. Ying Tang*, Mingyang Yu, Zhiwei Zhang, Junqi Chen, Huaicheng Xiang, Xianran Xing, Liang Fang*, A novel tungstate Li3Nd3W2O12 with garnet structure for low-temperature cofired ceramic technology, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40:1386-1389. SCI一区收录

23. Changzhi Yin, Ying Tang*, Junqi Chen, Feihu Li, Yijun Huang, Chunchun Li*, Xianran Xing, Liang Fang*, Two low-permittivity melilite ceramics in the SrO-MO-GeO2 (M = Mg, Zn) system and their temperature stability through compositional modifications, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40: 1186-1190. SCI一区收录

24. Zhiwei Zhang, Ying Tang*, Jie Li, Junqi Chen, Aihong Yang, Yu Wang, Yifan Zhai, Laiyuan Ao, Congxue Su, Xianran Xing, Liang Fang*, High-Q and near-zero τf composite Li2Mg2TiO5-Sr3(VO4)2 ceramics for low-temperature co-fired ceramic applications, Ceramics International, 2020, 46: 8281-8286. SCI一区收录

25. Zhiwei Zhang, Ying Tang*, Huaicheng, Xiang, Aihong Yang, Yu Wang, Changzhi Yin, Yunfei Tian, Liang Fang*, Li5Ti2O6F: a new low-loss oxyfluoride microwave dielectric ceramic for LTCC applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020, 55: 107-115. SCI三区收录

26. Junqi Chen, Ying Tang, Jie Li, Huaicheng Xiang, Chunchun Li, Xianran Xing, Liang Fang*, Structure and microwave dielectric properties of Ba3Nb4-4xTi4+5xO21 ceramics with medium-high permittivity, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 820, 153159. SCI一区收录

27. Junqi Chen, Ying Tang, Mingyang Yu, Changzhi Yin, Zhiwei Zhang, Huaicheng Xiang, Chunchun Li, Xianran Xing, Liang Fang*, Influence of Ti4+ substitution for Ta5+ on the crystal structure, Raman spectra, and microwave dielectric properties of Ba3Ta4-4xTi4+5xO21 ceramics, Ceramics International, 2020, 46: 4197-4203. SCI一区收录

28. Junqi Chen, Ying Tang, Changzhi Yin, Mingyang Yu, Huaicheng Xiang, Chunchun Li, Xianran Xing, Liang Fang Structure, microwave dielectric performance, and infrared reflectivity spectrum of olivine type Mg2Ge0.98O4 ceramic, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2020, 103:1789-1797. SCI一区收录

29. Changzhi Yin, Ying Tang, Junqi Chen, Chunchun Li, Liang Fang, Feihu Li, Yijun Huang, Phase evolution, far-infrared spectra, and ultralow loss microwave dielectric ceramic of Zn2Ge1+xO4+2x (-0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.2), Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019, 30: 16651-16658. SCI三区收录

30. Weishuang Fang , Kai Cheng , Huicheng Xiang , Ying Tang, Yifan Zhai, Congxue Su, Liang Fang*, Phase composition and microwave dielectric properties of low permittivity AGeO3(A = Mg, Zn) ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 799:495-500. SCI一区收录

31. Kai Xiao, Ying Tang*, Yunfei Tian, Chunchun Li, Lian Duan, Liang Fang*, Enhancement of the cation order and the microwave dielectric properties of Li2ZnTi3O8 through composition modulation, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (2019) 3064-3069. SCI一区收录

32. Ying Tang, Minyu Xu, Lian Duan, Junqi Chen, Chunchun Li, Huaicheng Xiang, Liang Fang*, Structure, microwave dielectric properties, and infrared reflectivity spectrum of olivine type Ca2GeO4 ceramic, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2019, 39: 2354-2359. SCI一区收录

33. Kai Cheng, Ying Tang*, Huaicheng Xiang, Chunchun Li, Liang Fang, Yihua Sun, Two novel low permittivity microwave dielectric ceramics Li2TiMO5 (M = Ge, Si) with abnormally positive τf, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2019, 39(8): 2680-2684. SCI一区收录

34. Yunfei Tian, Ying Tang*, Kai Xiao, Chunchun Li, Lian Duan, Liang Fang*, Crystal structure, Raman spectroscopy and microwave dielectric properties of Li1+xZnNbO4 (0< x <0.05) ceramics, Journal of the Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 777: 1-7. SCI一区收录

35. Junqi Chen, Ying Tang*, Huaicheng Xiang, Liang Fang*, Harshit Porwal, Chunchun Li*, Microwave dielectric properties and infrared reflectivity spectra analysis of two novel low-firing AgCa2B2V3O12 (B = Mg, Zn) ceramics with garnet structure, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018, 38: 4670-4676. SCI一区收录

36. Ying Tang, Xuewen Jiang, Huaicheng Xiang, Chunchun Li*, Liang Fang*, Xianran Xing, Two Novel Low-Firing Na2AMg2V3O12 (A = Nd, Sm) Ceramics and Their Chemical Compatibility with Silver, Ceramics International, 2017, 43: 2892-2898. SCI一区收录

37. Ying Tang, Weishuang Fang, Liang Fang*, Chunchun Li, Phase Transformation and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Ba4LiTa3-xSbxO12, Ceramics International, 2015, 41(5): 6653-6656. SCI一区收录

38. Ying Tang, Liang Fang*, Congxue Su, Hui Zhang, A High Q and Temperature Stable Microwave Dielectric Ceramic Ba4LiTa2SbO12, Ceramics International, 2014, 40(5): 7633-7636. SCI一区收录

39. Ying Tang, Liang Fang*, Huanfu Zhou, Qinwen Liu, Hui Zhang, Microwave Dielectric Properties and Chemical Compatibility with Silver Electrode of Low-fired Li2Cu0.2Mg0.8Ti3O8 Ceramic, Ceramics International, 2013, 39(7): 8503-8506. SCI一区收录

