
1、Guimei Wei, Kai Zhang, and Xiongping Xia*,Performance evaluation of a zoom iris recognition system using Q-type aspherical design [J], 2024, Applied Optics 63(2): 390-395 (SCI)
2、夏雄平,张凯,韦贵妹,田恺婧,高斯激光束在Fraunhofer圆孔衍射成像中的球差, 吉林大学学报(理学版) [J],2024, 62(1):141-146 (中文核心)
3、Xiongping Xia*, Guimei Wei, Kaijing Tian, Junxue Chen and Qiuqun Liang,Electron acceleration by relativistic pondermotive force in the interaction of intense laser pulse with an axially inhomogeneous underdense plasma [J],Modern Physics Letters B, 2022, 36: 2230003 (SCI)
4、Kaijing Tian, and Xiongping Xia*, Self-focusing/Defocusing of Hermite-Sinh-Gaussian Laser Beam in Underdense Inhomogeneous Plasmas[J], Laser and Particle Beams, 2022, 2022: 7571742 (SCI)
5、王埼臻,田恺婧,夏雄平*, 高斯型激光圆孔衍射中的光束畸变调控研究[J], 应用光学2022,43: 119-123(中文核心)
6、Qizhen Wang, and Xiongping Xia*, Abnormal distortion and control of a Gaussian beam in circular aperture diffraction[J], Applied Optics 2021, 60: 10035-10041 (SCI)
7、Geng Zhang, Qiuqun Liang, and Xiongping Xia*, Relativistic self-focusing in the interaction of laser beam and plasma with periodical density ripple[J], Laser and Particle Beams 2020, 38: 244-250 (SCI)
8、Geng Zhang, and Xiongping Xia*, Laser beam self-focusing in collisional plasma with periodical density ripple[J], Laser and Particle Beams 2020, 38: 45-53 (SCI)
10、Xiongping Xia*, and Geng Zhang, The abnormal ring formation during the course of filamentation in laser-plasma interaction[J], Modern Physics Letters B, 2019, 33: 1950065 (SCI)
11、Qiuqun Liang, Huigao Duan, Xupeng Zhu, Xuandong Chen, and Xiongping Xia*, Solar thermal absorber based on dielectric filled two-dimensional nickel grating [J], Optical Materials Express 2019, 9: 3193-3203 (SCI)
12、夏雄平*,梁秋群,高润梅,王柳,电子温度对527nm强激光与等离子体作用的影响 [J],吉林大学学报(理学版)2018,56(1):141-145(中文核心)
13、Xiongping Xia*, Qiuqun Liang, Runmei Gao, and Liu Wang, Relativistic ponderomtive force acceleration of electrons in weak inhomogenous underdense plasma [J], Optik, 2017, 136: 20-26 (SCI)
14、Xiongping Xia*, and Wang Liu, Research on electron acceleration in interaction of intense laser and magnetized plasma by ponderomotive force [J], Optik, 2016, 127(10): 658-662 (SCI)
15、Xiongping Xia*, Nonlinear structure of electromagnetic field, electron temperature and electron density in interaction of relativistic laser and plasma with density ripple [J], Laser and Particle Beams, 2014, 32(4): 591-597 (SCI)
16、Xiongping Xia*, and Bin Xu, Off-axial contribution of beam self-focusing in plasma with density ripple [J], Optik, 2014, 125: 5899–5903 (SCI)