戎树军 (副研究员)

国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于新近实验进展的中微子味混合结构研究(2015-2017), 主持。
Ding-Hui Xu, Shu-Jun Rong. The Geometric Correlations of Leptonic Mixing Parameters[J]. Advances in High Energy Physics, 2023, 6057292(SCI )
Ding-Hui Xu, Shu-Jun Rong. Connect the Lorentz Violation to the Glashow Reso nance Event[J]. Modern Physics Letters A, 2023, 2350029(SCI )
Shu-Jun Rong, Ding-Hui Xu. The Nonsymmetric Flavor Transition Matrix and the Apparent P Violation[J]. Advances in High Energy Physics. 2022, 6949022 (SCI )
Shu-Jun Rong, Lepton mixing patterns from PSL2(7) with a generalised CP symmetry[J], Advances in High Energy Physics, 2020, 6120803.(SCI )
Shu-Jun Rong, New partial symmetries from group algebras for lepton mixing[J], Advances in High Energy Physics, 2020, 3967605.(SCI )
Shu-jun Rong, Lepton mixing patterns from the group Σ(36×3) with a generalized CP transformation [J], Physics Review D, 2017, 95: 076014. (SCI )
Shu-jun Rong, Proposed economical and stable lepton mass matrices with texture zeros[J], Advances in High Energy Physics. 2017, 8785076. (SCI )
Shu-jun Rong, Lepton mixing patterns from combinations of elementary correlations[J], Physics Review D 2016, 93(1): 013010 (SCI )