朱红玉 副教授

(2) 广西自然科学基金面上项目:宽温域Ag2Se基热电材料的制备与电声输运调控,(2021-2024),主持
(3) 广西科技基地和人才专项:BiCuChO基纳米复合材料的制备与电声输运调控,(2021-2023),主持
1. Wei Huang, Hongyu Zhu*, Qingshan Liu , Suai Duan, Manman Yang, Xiaobing Liu, Taichao Su, Enhanced thermoelectric performance of CoSbS via Se doping at dual Sb and S sites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024, 970: 172555. (SCI 2区)
2. Wei Huang , Hongyu Zhu*, Qingshan Liu, Xubiao Zhou, Shangsheng Li, Meihua Hu,Taichao Su, Modification of the thermoelectric performance in Se alloyed CoSb1-xSexS,Solid State Sciences,2023, 135: 107078. (SCI 3区)
3. Hongyu Zhu, Yong Li, Xiaobing Yang, Shuailing Ma, Taichao Su, Intrinsically low thermal conductivity of tetragonal-structured PbSe2, Materials Letters, 2022, 313:131665. (SCI 3区)
4. Hongyu Zhu, Qingshan Liu, Shuai Li, Bingke Qin, Taichao Su, Facile synthesis and thermoelectric performance of BiCu1-xSeO, Materials Letters, 2021, 301: 130329. (SCI 3区)
5. 朱红玉,宿太超,李洪涛,杨曼曼,杜景阳,李尚升,胡美华,胡 强,杜保立, 高压制备 CoSbS1-xSex (x=0~0.3)的热电性能,稀有金属材料与工程,2020,49:1422-1426.(SCI 4区)
6. Rui-Zhi Zhang, Francesco Gucci, Hongyu Zhu, Kan Chen, Michael J. Reece, Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 57, 13027−13033. (SCI 2区)
7. Hongyu Zhu, Taichao Su, Hongtao Li, Chunying Pu, Dawei Zhou, Pinwen Zhu, Xin Wang, High pressure synthesis, structure and thermoelectric properties of BiCuChO (Ch = S, Se, Te). Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2017, 37(4):1541-1546. (SCI 2区)